Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Project Updates
(just accidentally deleted my new post - YUCK!)
O.k. Let's see if I can do this again WITH OUT screwing it up.
With Christmas being only 4 weeks away, I figured it was time to make the Diamond Table runner (from this pamphlet).
The plan is to have it all done and on my table for Christmas dinner. It is done with #3 Crochet Thread. Wish me luck!
A little over a year ago, my SIL gave me a dishcloth she bought at an Amish flea market. No, not for me to use, but for me to re-create and make for her. lol After having it glare at me for this long, I figured I would actually look closely at it and give it a shot. Voila'
Such an easy project to do! Now to get a few made for her, wrap them and put them under the tree (which will be up on Sunday with the help of my 5 year old granddaughter.)
The projects completed for the infusion center (CFAC) - 2 Super Simply Charity Blankets and another Yo Yoghan.
They are all being mailed off today for the next infusion center delivery (along with 2 previously made yo yoghans). 2 scarves and one hat will need to be put in the mail soon - these are going to the Pine Ridge Reservation. Just waiting for mom to finish the scarf she is working on - that will make 3 scarves!! Just can't imagine how cold it gets on the reservation. Trying to keep as many warm as possible.
Other than crochet, I have been cleaning and painting the "kids" bathroom now that all the kids are on their own. (did you hear me yelling YEAH!!!) All that is left to do is paint the baseboards, put up a new mirror and get the shower curtain ordered. And this all has to be done before Christmas so our guests can use it. I love making old rooms into new rooms. After this little room is done, I will start working on what will be my new computer/toy room (for the granddaughter). Already have the curtains picked out - just need to find the right color paint.
Guess it is time for me to start my day. Have lots to do, then heading up to Daytona Beach (45 min drive time) to pick up my granddaughter for the weekend. Alligator Farm tomorrow...decorating for Christmas on Sunday. Yes, I am just a tad bit excited. lol
Toodles for now!
O.k. Let's see if I can do this again WITH OUT screwing it up.
With Christmas being only 4 weeks away, I figured it was time to make the Diamond Table runner (from this pamphlet).
A little over a year ago, my SIL gave me a dishcloth she bought at an Amish flea market. No, not for me to use, but for me to re-create and make for her. lol After having it glare at me for this long, I figured I would actually look closely at it and give it a shot. Voila'
The projects completed for the infusion center (CFAC) - 2 Super Simply Charity Blankets and another Yo Yoghan.
Other than crochet, I have been cleaning and painting the "kids" bathroom now that all the kids are on their own. (did you hear me yelling YEAH!!!) All that is left to do is paint the baseboards, put up a new mirror and get the shower curtain ordered. And this all has to be done before Christmas so our guests can use it. I love making old rooms into new rooms. After this little room is done, I will start working on what will be my new computer/toy room (for the granddaughter). Already have the curtains picked out - just need to find the right color paint.
Guess it is time for me to start my day. Have lots to do, then heading up to Daytona Beach (45 min drive time) to pick up my granddaughter for the weekend. Alligator Farm tomorrow...decorating for Christmas on Sunday. Yes, I am just a tad bit excited. lol
Toodles for now!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Need Christmas Ideas?
Do you need help with your Christmas shopping ideas? Want something unique and not "store bought"? Check out the Crafting for a Cause Web Store. At the top of the page you will see tabs for Handcrafted Items, Craft Supplies, Craft Books and more. There is jewlery, angel ornaments, a baby doll with 2 sets of clothes, burp cloths....all kinds of good finds.
The best part is that when you shop at this site, all the money raised goes to buy propane for needy families on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in SD. Please, come check out the store and tell your friends. Remember, this could be a two-fold gift - a gift for your loved one and a gift of warmth this winter for a needy family.
P.S. There are no shipping costs. Woo Hoo!!
The best part is that when you shop at this site, all the money raised goes to buy propane for needy families on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in SD. Please, come check out the store and tell your friends. Remember, this could be a two-fold gift - a gift for your loved one and a gift of warmth this winter for a needy family.
P.S. There are no shipping costs. Woo Hoo!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Lost Crocheter Returns
Well, not really lost. Just lazy. Too lazy to sit and post an entry. But I can sit and play Bejeweled for hours. lol Some crochet has been done. Several hats were made and sent to the CFAC Web Store. (come by and take a peek at what is for sale!!) About a dozen hangars were sent along with the hats too. The Wool Eater is off the hooks and was mailed to the happy couple. Now they will be really warm in the cold Buffalo winter.
One more yo yoghan is ready to be sent to the children's infusion center. This one turned out so different since it was joined with purple instead of white. And 3 out of 6 placemats are done.
More hangars are being made for the church's fall flea market. So far, 23 are ready to go. The Super Simply Charity Blankie was started from some gifted white yarn. But it is on hold as I wait for some blue yarn being mailed from a fellow Rav member. It was going to be all white, but thought NAH. It needs some other color. Off to Rav to search for someone who was trying to offload their stash. Voila!! And it was so much cheaper than buying it at the store.
Time to go play Bejeweled - then off to crochet or read a book. Oh, did I mention?? I am now officially an empty nester. The last of my 3 rug rats moved out yesterday!!! What to do...what to do....(p.s. today is mine and hubby's anniversary! What a great present our youngest gave us. Don't ya think??)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Too Much to Do!!
I've gotten to the point of feeling overwhelmed with my crochet projects again. Not good. The latest yo yoghan just needs a few ends tied in and the border completed. That should take all of 1/2 hour, but just can't seem to pick it up. Instead more projects were started. A dish cloth, 1 out of 6 placemats and the wool eater blanket. Now CFAC's CAL for August is making hats, mittens and scarves for the kids on the reservation. Several hats and scarves are already made and anxiously awaiting to be mailed. (yes, I kinda knew this CAL was coming up, so I started Hats and scarves are great stashbusters!
My mom gave me the coolest book a while back. The Complete Book of Crochet - dated 1947!! Everyday I seem to flip thru the pages looking at all the fun patterns - and some kinda REALLY dated ones too. Beautiful doilies, very pretty edgings and some pretty funky loooking hats. One day maybe I will try something in there. But not until the WIPs are completed.
How is everyone else doing? What projects are on your hooks/needles - or what patterns are calling your name?
Take care and until next time...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Squares, Hats and Hangars
Been awhile since I have been here. Been busy with the normal daily routines of, house work, reading and of course, crochet. Finally figured out a plan so I don't get bored just crocheting one thing. (taking a break from the yo yoghans). CFAC's monthly challenge for June is to make squares. Any size or color desired. I am making these pretty little flower squares.
Make four of them, tie in the ends set them aside. (Pattern can be found for these in Country Woman magazine April/May 2009)
Then I make a hat (for CFAC of course). This pattern was designed by Julie Bolduc and is called The Addison Hat. I cannot find the pattern on line anymore. Luckily I printed it out. They are so much fun and easy to make.
After that, make a hangar (cover a hangar with yarn like my grandma taught me.) The hangars are for the Christmas bazaar at church.
And for those of you that enjoy reading a good book, I have to point you towards my book list over to the right. Check out Love and Duty. Usually, I don't venture into reading many true stories - and never do I read war stories. But this one is so different and so good. If you don't want to buy it, check your local library to see if they can get it for you. It really puts love, honor, and duty in a new light. Atleast in my eyes. I bought this book while visiting Andersonville, GA. This was a wonderful experience - one that I would love to go and re-do. Mom, Dad and I stayed at an amazing B&B (Americus Garden Inn). Anyways, back to the book. If you do read this book, please let me know your thoughts on it.
Off to figure out what to feed my growling belly. Toodles!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Suggestions Please

A couple weeks ago, my friend went to Ireland and brought this back for me. I have never worked with wool, but I am told it is just like working with WW - unless you are allergic to wool. But I have no idea of what to make with this hank of wool. I could make a hat or two for the reservation, but in my heart, I want to make something for me since my friend bought it with me in mind. Living in Florida, a wool hat or scarf just is not practical. One of my friends suggested the crochet hook case by Priscilla Hewitt. But I wanted to see what my other crochet fanatic friends come up with too. Any ideas?
Life has kept me away from the computer and crocheting for quite some time. Work has been going haywire. We house/dog sat for my friend (yes the one who went to Ireland) for 2 weeks. My hubby's brother passed away. 2 1/2 weeks later on Palm Sunday my best friend passed away. And hubby's granny passed away a little over a week ago. My mind frame is finally getting back to the hook and yarn. Yo yoghan #2 for the year is on the hook. It is a little over half way done. The same scarf is still in progress - no further along from the last post. I was able to make 12 - 7" squares for CFAC and send them off to one of our members for assembly. I am anxious to finish the yo yoghan and start on a new project.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas for the wool.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
It's Either Feast or Famine
Ever have those times where you are just not sure what you want to do with your crochet/crafting time? Nothing seems to spark that interest in you, so you just pick a project and later set it aside 'cuz it just isn't doing anything for you. So you start another project. That is kinda where I was at. Knowing that I needed to work on a yo yo ghan, but just not in the mood for it. So I started making saltines just to pass the time (and destash). My last post I mentioned buying the yarn to make my next Tulip afghan as a RAOK gift. I was so excited to finally have that project that was going to light the fire under my behind and get me motivated. I was so excited when the package of yarn came! And I know exactly who will get this RAOK gift. Can't say. Not sure if this person reads my blog or not. So, this tulipghan (done in shades of blue instead of my normal shades of burgundy's and pinks) is about 1/4 the way done.
Good thing, as I am getting lots of yo yos in the mail lately and have be put on notice that more are on the way. Love making these lapghans, just think I was getting burned out on them. Now I am ready and raring to go.

To add to these projects, a friend from church asked me to finish a hat that was sent to her for finishing. It is made with fun fur - and the person who was making ran out. PLUS...another friend asked me to make a couple baby bonnets. She gave me the pattern. Said she had tried to make it, but it just wasn't working for her. Bought the yarn for this project today.
So, let's see, tulipghan, yo yo's, fun fur hat, baby bonnets....
Oh, and I wanted to share these pics with you. This is the bread store that I have mentioned in a past post where my knitting friends (and this one lonely crocheter) meet up. Isn't this the coolist place to relax and enjoy some time with good friends and yarn?? The credit for the pics goes to Kate - a member of the Knead to Knit group on Ravelry. We met thru Rav, but have not yet met in person. She goes to the Thursday knit group and I go to the Saturday one. What is really sad, is that she lives about 4 blocks up the road from me.
O.K. Toodles for now. Have someone heading up this way to give me a quote on redoing one of our bathrooms.
Friday, January 30, 2009
January Update

Can't say I have done a whole lot this past month. The baby afghan for a co-worker was completed and a few scarves were made. These were sent to a shelter for abused women on the Pine Ridge reservation. And I made lots of hangers - some for the church to sell and a few more the the CFAC Web store (check it out. All monies raised goes to buy propane for needy families on the reservation). Hmm..reading this, more things were accomplished than I thought.
Last week I ordered yarn to make another Tulip afghan. The girls in the Knead to Knit group had decided to each enter one knit project for the county fair. Krista said that I should enter a crochet project too. I was truly excited at this thought. After the meeting, I went home and ordered the yarn. But disappointment was soon to come. There are categories for sewing and knitting, but no crocheting. Boy was I bummed out. But this is o.k. The tulip afghan is going to be made anyways and given as a Random Act of Kindness gift. Like the one I made last year. It was so much fun to do it, that I have decided to do a RAOK gift atleast once a year.
Off to play with my new yarn stash. Toodles!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Amazing Quilted Items
Just had to share this Etsy site with you. If you are looking for something unique and beautiful for a present, take a look at Sarah's Quilts and Crafts. I have a table runner she made - it looks store bought. The stitching is perfect, the colors are ohhh so pretty. She has everything from quilts to pot holders. Her pricing may look high, but her quality is like non other I have ever seen.
Back to work now. Toodles!!
Back to work now. Toodles!!
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