Mom has always told me that as you get older the years go by quicker and quicker. She wasn't joking!!! Can it really be that 2009 is less than a week away? How can that be? There were so many things I wanted to do in 2008 that just have not happened.

But, the hook has been flying away. Since my last posting: 2 hats, 2 scarves, Aubrey's Travelghan - all of these have been completed. Still working on yo yoghan #12. This is a slow project. Needed some instant gratifications. And some quick stash busting. So the hats and scarves were completed. Good thing as CFAC is having a scarf CAL for January! Yippee!! For once I can say I am ahead of the game. lol 

Yesterday I was able to meet up with the knit group at the local bread store. They love me even if I cannot knit. We spent 3 hours playing with yarn and talking about life. No phones, no kids scraming...just female adult time. And I tried starting a baby blanket, but I was too busy talking that I just never got my stitch counts right. That's alright. I figured it out when I got home.
Last week on the news, I heard that a Toys for Tot's distribution center in Orlando had run out of toys. This broke my heart. Especially since a family member of mine had to rely on this program this year. Luckily, her distribution center was not affected by this. Usually I will buy one toy and put in the Toys for Tot's collection box. But for 2009, I am going to buy one toy a month. 12 toys by December. They may not be the big expensive items, but a board game or a book. Maybe even a soccer ball or a foot ball. With the way the economy is going, next Christmas will be the same, if not worse, than this year. Christmas is about the the birth of our Lord and Saviour. And I feel like He is calling upon me to do a little more for others and less for myself.