A couple weeks ago, my friend went to Ireland and brought this back for me. I have never worked with wool, but I am told it is just like working with WW - unless you are allergic to wool. But I have no idea of what to make with this hank of wool. I could make a hat or two for the reservation, but in my heart, I want to make something for me since my friend bought it with me in mind. Living in Florida, a wool hat or scarf just is not practical. One of my friends suggested the crochet hook case by Priscilla Hewitt. But I wanted to see what my other crochet fanatic friends come up with too. Any ideas?
Life has kept me away from the computer and crocheting for quite some time. Work has been going haywire. We house/dog sat for my friend (yes the one who went to Ireland) for 2 weeks. My hubby's brother passed away. 2 1/2 weeks later on Palm Sunday my best friend passed away. And hubby's granny passed away a little over a week ago. My mind frame is finally getting back to the hook and yarn. Yo yoghan #2 for the year is on the hook. It is a little over half way done. The same scarf is still in progress - no further along from the last post. I was able to make 12 - 7" squares for CFAC and send them off to one of our members for assembly. I am anxious to finish the yo yoghan and start on a new project.
Looking forward to hearing your ideas for the wool.
I don't think you need a hat or scarf in Florida. LOL! How about a nice felted bag or purse since it's wool. I've never done it since I'm allergic but they say it's pretty easy. Just a thought. :)
Hugs, Cherri
Wow, that yarn looks fabulous! What a wonderful gift. I definitely think it would make a great purse/bag as well. Something you can add pretty handles too & really make it snazzy for yourself. Can't wait to see what you decide! And hugs on the recent sadness....it sounds like it hasn't been an easy year, I certainly hope it gets better everyday. ;)
So sorry to hear about the recent deaths--prayers and hugs! I vote for a felted purse also. Have you ever tried felting? Take care--Donna
I was thinking the same thing, you wouldn't need a hat in Florida. Maybe a scarf, for the 'winter' months?
I am sorry to hear about your BIL and your friend. My Grandma just passed away at the end of May, I was really close to her; too. It's hard. *Hugs*
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