Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yarn Bombing

Surfing around Ravelry's forums, this post caught my eye. How cool is this? Destashing and doing good for others?? Nothing could be better. Take a peek and let me know what you think. Is this something you would or will do? Post a response and let me know your thoughts.


- said...

Fantastic, huh? Great idea.

Unknown said...

I am all for crochet and charity - I am going to see if some of my friends here local would be interested in doing a "freebie box" at a couple of the shelters... just take them and drop them off. Scarves and Hats, of course. Thanks for the great link - I may do a bit of a blog on it too, if you don't mind!

Unknown said...

Wow! An inspiring story... and action. There are good people in the world... that give and ask for nothing in return. Thanks Jana for sharing the posting with us!

urdu mein falon ke naam said...

urdu mein falon ke naam