Wednesday, April 16, 2008

PBS Cancer Special

Tonight at 9:00 EST, Wed April 16th, there will be a 90 special on most PBS stations about the Dana Farber Foundation. I am inviting all to watch. Not only to see what Dana Farber has done to help find a cure for cancer, but also because my cousin Jennifer will be on this show. She was diagonosed with breast cancer 8 years ago, while in her 20's. She has been fighting hard ever since. She has come close to loosing her battle twice within the past couple months. But somehow she finds the strength to keep fighting.
From the PBS site ( "This film makes it clear that it's very much a part of American culture to believe that if you fight hard enough, you can beat cancer. But when it comes to having metastatic cancer, your survival depends on the biology of your cancer cells, and whether they are susceptible to state-of-the-art treatment,". The special is 90 minutes long and Jennifer's story will be shared somewhere in the middle. Although I don't know exactly what will be aired from all of the film shot, I do hope that we will be able to appreciate the care she has received at Dana Farber through several clinical trials.
For the past couple of years, Jennifer's SIL, Laura, has been walking in Avon's Walk for Breast Cancer along with some of her friends. She does this for Jennifer. So far, her team has raised over $46,000. Please check out Laura's site to see some of the ways they have helped support this cause
I hope you get a chance to watch the show.

1 comment:

Joansie said...

Unfortunately, I missed the show. I work for the Vermont Cancer Center and know how important research is. Dana Farber is one of the best in the country. Vermont Cancer is a comprehensive cancer center, one of only about 26 in the country. Prayers for your cousin in her fight against this terrible disease.